Automobile racing is one of the largest sports in the world with a viewing audience equal to American Football. The IndyCar series is an open-wheel racing league where drivers race open-cockpit carbon fiber chassis powered by an engine. The race cars compete on street and road courses and often reach top speeds of excess of 170 miles. (David P. Ferguson, 2018)
This study conducted by David P. Ferguson and Nicholas D. Myers of the Department of Kinesiology, Michigan State University researched the relationship between physiological and fitness variables and automobile racing performance.
To test the role of fitness and blood glucose on driving performance, heart rate, breathing rate, and skin temperature were evaluated during practice racing sessions using the Equivital EQ02+ LifeMonitor.
It’s ideal for monitoring human physiology across a wide range of applications such as sports and exercise research like this paper. It can also be used for clinical trials, biofeedback, CBRN, military training and deployment.
The Equivital LifeMonitor measures clinical grade cardiorespiratory, temperature and activity data, it is stored on the sensor and can be transmitted wirelessly for viewing on a mobile phone or computer.
Data can be transmitted in real time from the SEM, via Class 1 Bluetooth, to a mobile phone or computer.
Would you be interested in using the Equivital LifeMonitor for your training or research? Visit our product information here.
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